Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gone with the Wind...

It has been a month since my last post, and although I expressed some excitement regarding my first time blogging, time has seemed to be fighting against me for the past month.

Today I sit, and for the first time I can see the gravel road that lies ahead. Although still dusty in the distance, the Journey has begun and potholes are in sight.

I have received my assignment briefs for two of my three subjects this year, and as expected, from one of the subjects there is not much there. I feel cheated of a great opportunity and chance to be able to comment and show my views in my work. The irony of the whole thing, is the title of the assignment is “choice project.” But I guess I shall push on and try make the best out of what we have been given.

On a more upbeat note, the entertainment over the past weekend has been great! I watch 127 hours last night, and had Goosebumps for the majority of the film! The use of sound in the film is what took it to the next level, creating the feeling of isolation and the true feeling of a lone ranger. A more comprehensive write up will be on my blog soon…

But for now it’s of to class and it’s planning my dissertation. So for now World Wide Web I wish you a great day, until tomorrow…  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 A fresh start...

2011 is already in full swing with kids back at school, new years resolutions being broken and university just under a week away! This time of the year is always the most daunting in terms of we never know exactly what year is going hold for us, but we push on with our Braveheart masks on ready to tackle what ever it may hold.

This is my first time blogging and is something I am quite excited about. It was one of my new year resolutions, and so here I sit, armed and ready!

The end of 2010 unlocked many new doors for myself, so I am excited to begin opening them to see what lies behind them or should I rather say to see what lies ahead.

I am going to be writing mainly about the Film and TV Industry, in South Africa and Internationally as that is my life, every conversation I have with anyone revolves someway around a film, a filmmaker or my beloved film school. I am going to try my utmost to release a mini review for ever film I watch, and give my opinions on both the local and international scenes, and the discovery of film theories as they unfold this year.

So get the popcorn out, sit back and get ready for a year of fun. As my email quote says no matter how cheesy  "It always seems impossible until its done." - Nelson Mandela